

Richard House Children's Hospice, based in East London, provides palliative care to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Opened in 2000, Richard House was the first children’s hospice in London and today it supports more than 300 families. From the moment a child is diagnosed with a complex health condition everything changes. These changes affect the whole family, which is why we feel it is vital not only to provide care to the child but to support and help families choose when, where and how care is received.

“Tim and his family have supported Richard House Children’s Hospice for a long time. Earlier this year, Tim gave his time to volunteer at the hospice. He shared his skills and contacts, volunteering for months to raise the profile of the hospice leading to vital funds. Tim is a valued part of the Richard House Family and a genuine pleasure to work with. His generosity and knowledge ensured we could run a legacy campaign which we hope will raise funds for future seriously ill children. For every £4 we spend we have to raise £3 from donations, so we rely heavily on the generosity of our donors and our volunteers.” Jo Inskip, Head of Communications.


There are times when we all need help. Westmeria is a mental health charity, supporting the Borough of Bromley, that makes counselling affordable and accessible. They were established in 2003 to help people in need of support, with a particular emphasis on those suffering from depression (aiming to reduce the trend of reliance on anti-depressants). They are a long-term agency requiring no set fee from their clients for counselling. They have gone on to launch Westmeria Counselling College, providing teaching courses and training new counsellors, and are now spreading their expert knowledge into companies to offer workplace mental health workshops.

"Tim has been a trustee for Westmeria Counselling for over 13 years and has supported their journey every step of the way since its inception. The charity now receive over 400 referrals a year with absolutely no government funding, so support from a trustee like Tim makes a huge difference. His continued guidance has helped Westmeria to grow into the respected local charity it is today, and he is hugely appreciated by the team."